Outside the playground: How to organize cool activities to meet other parents

Creating a supportive network and interacting with other parents is important for every parent. Think you’re too old to meet new people? Actually, becoming a parent introduces new topics for discussion, often requiring new friends who understand you.

The first step towards new acquaintances can be facilitated by the Willuwalk community, where you can find new friends who listen, understand, and connect. Here are some simple activities to consider once you’ve found a great companion:

Playdates in the park – Summer is the perfect time for this. Go to a local park and invite other parents for a fun playdate. Bring along toys and a picnic basket with delicious snacks. Enjoy the sunshine while your little ones make friends and bond with each other..

Meet for lunch once a week – Prepare food together, enjoy pleasant conversation, and share thoughts. Having a regular, scheduled activity creates a comforting sense of anticipation for something exciting to look forward to!

Search for a new swimming spot on the Willuwalk map – The Willuwalk community has marked many interesting places on the map. Find one you haven’t been to before and discover cool spots in your neighborhood together with new friends.

Participating in community events – During the summer, various neighborhoods and communities host exciting events such as festivals, fairs, and concerts. Why not attend these events together?

Taking a longer walk in an area you’ve wanted to visit but haven’t dared to go alone – Yep, we get it: you’ve walked all the nearby paths, but with a little baby, it’s daunting to venture far. What if they start crying and won’t stay in the stroller? What if I need to use the restroom but have nowhere to leave the baby? Going for a walk with another parent makes it comfortable to take on the stroll.

Don’t worry, you’ll do great at building new connections! We’re all in similar situations as parents after all.

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